This simple system is easy to set and operate. Simply set the supply spool on the steel base place, centered over the centering pin. The wire is brought up over the top flange, into the gathering cone, then through a ceramic eyelet and felt pre-tensioner/wiper. The wire then makes a wrap around one or more capstan tensioning pulleys. Tensioning force is regulated at the tensioning head. This design will provide years of low maintenance and trouble-free service.
Tension Control: Loosen two thumbscrews on the brake unit body and rotate the body to a percentage setting of full braking capacity. Then tighten the thumbscrews.
Tensioning Method: Hysteresis magnetic head is direct coupled to capstan tensioning pulley.
Wire Supply Spool Capacity: 20" (508 mm) maximum diameter flange and 6" - 22" (152.4 mm - 558.8 mm) height.
Models with Associated Wire Size & Tension |
Model | Wire Size | Tension |
HT-3042 | (#30 - #42 awg wire) | 0.48 oz - 1.25 lbs, 14g - 560g |
HT-2238 | (#22 - #38 awg wire) | 1.92 oz - 5 lbs, 54g - 2.26 kgs |
HT-1529 | (#15 - #29 awg wire) | 9.8 oz - 20 lbs, 277g - 9.07 kgs |
HT-2242 | (#22 - #42 awg wire) | 0.48 oz - 6.25 lbs, 14g - 2.83 kgs |
HT-1029 | (#10 - #29 awg wire) | 9.8 oz - 40 lbs, 277g - 18.14 kgs |
HT-1042 | (#10 - #42 awg wire) | 0.48 oz - 40 lbs, 4g - 18.14 kgs |
Weight: 40 lbs - 120 lbs (18.14 kgs - 54.43 kgs) depending upon model
Dimensions: Will vary according to each model